Print ISSN:-2394-4781

Online ISSN:-2394-4994


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Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia Indexed by Scopus

Usage Statistics (2023-2024)

Articles Fulltext Views PDF Downloads
1325 271
1022 300
1017 581
991 407
983 563
951 716
924 1511
890 437

Case series: Opioid free anaesthesia

Author : Sai Krishna J*

Doi :   Page No : 379-381

878 258
826 504
806 704
802 437
775 683

Pre-operative screening of diabetic patients for heart rate variability and their hemodynamic responses during induction of general anaesthesia

Author : Nithya Dinesh, Geetha Lakshminarasimhaiah*, Arun Kumar, Smita Musti, Ridhi Rao, Ayesha Sabha Khavas

Doi :   Page No : 334-339

772 433
769 471
749 385
746 274
744 426
737 427
735 351
728 383
724 382
716 471
701 521
701 302
687 672
680 607
669 364
667 366
661 355